The Hocking Hills Trail Run will be held on 21 September, we will meet early on the repeater 147.345, @ 0700. Please let me or James W8LGN if you plan on assisting and if so, your shirt size. More details forthcoming.
After a dry, quiet period, Mother Nature may bring back severe weather. A broken line of strong thunderstorms capable of producing 60-65 mph wind gusts is likely to cross western Ohio tonight through Friday morning. After a brief lull, additional organized storms are likely across the entire state Friday afternoon and evening.
Sunday, Sept, 1 - Athens Trunkfest, 8 AM to Noon, fleamarket setup begins at 7 AM.
Athens Masonic Lodge, 12 W. Carpenter St., Athens, OH. Admission: FREE, paved outdoor parking, no reservations. VE Amateur Radio Tests for all Classes begin at 10 AM. Contact WD8RIF at [email protected] or 740-593-7176 Sponsored by Athens County ARA. Saturday, Oct. 26 - W8VCO Swap Fest, 8 AM to Noon Community building, 31935 SR 93 N., McArthur, OH Sponsored by Vinton County ARC. HVARC competed in the ARRL Field Day Contest on June 22-23. Here are the preliminary
results: US States Worked: 41, US Territories: 1, Canadian Provinces: 4, DX Countries: 1 (Columbia) Contest sections worked: 56 out of 82 Contacts: Band CW Phone Total ---- ----- ----- ----- 40 29 22 51 20 0 35 35 15 16 23 39 ----- ----- ---- ----- Total 45 81 125 Points: ((45*2)+81) * 2 = 342 Bonus Points : 650 Total = 342+650 = 992 Operator Contacts: AF8E = 47, W8BEU=27, KE8WAM= 24, W8LGX=19, K8SWS=5, KD8YYM=2, W8TUZ=1, KD8LPW=1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVARC Meetings will also be held on Zoom. Here is how to join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 913 524 7025 Passcode: 657447 Find your local number: Full Members that are joining on Audio Only must announce their presence so that a Quorum can be counted. Our friends in Vinton County are once again conducting the Vinton County Net. 2100 every Sunday on 147.105 Mhz, toned at 88.5. Please take a moment if you can to help them, an old an established club and net back on the air.
The Hocking Valley Amateur Radio Club will hold it's annual Field Day Event, June 22 - 23, at the Hocking County Fish and Game Assn. site at 29740 Blosser Rd., Logan, OH. Exit US 33 onto SR 664 South and go 1 3/4 miles to Blosser Rd. on the right. Go 0.6 mile on Blosser Rd. to the site.