HVARC maintains the following stations as part of the local Amateur Radio
infrastructure for routine and emergency communications
2 Meter Repeater: 147.345 MHz output, 147.945 MHz input, Tone(PL)114.8 Hz
1.25 Meter Remote Base: 223.460 MHz Simplex, Tone PL: 114.8 Hz
70 CM Repeater 443.125 MHz Output, 448.125 MHz input, Tone (PL): 114.8 Mhz
APRS Digipeater
Club Station: 80 thru 10 Meters HF, 2 Meters and 70 CM, located at
the Hocking County EOC.
infrastructure for routine and emergency communications
2 Meter Repeater: 147.345 MHz output, 147.945 MHz input, Tone(PL)114.8 Hz
1.25 Meter Remote Base: 223.460 MHz Simplex, Tone PL: 114.8 Hz
70 CM Repeater 443.125 MHz Output, 448.125 MHz input, Tone (PL): 114.8 Mhz
APRS Digipeater
Club Station: 80 thru 10 Meters HF, 2 Meters and 70 CM, located at
the Hocking County EOC.
Echolink is now operational on the 443.125 MHz Repeater. Access Node 999973,
Call Sign W8LGX-L. Stations accessing Echolink on the Repeater must preface the
EchoLink touch tone commands with '# 3', otherwise the Repeater will mute the
touch tones. For example, to activate Echolink on the Repeater, send '# 3 2 #'.
For those on Echolink from a PC or Smartphone, follow the directions for that
app to access Node 999973. Echolink will be available from 7 AM till 11 PM,
barring internet outages at the W8LGX QTH.
Call Sign W8LGX-L. Stations accessing Echolink on the Repeater must preface the
EchoLink touch tone commands with '# 3', otherwise the Repeater will mute the
touch tones. For example, to activate Echolink on the Repeater, send '# 3 2 #'.
For those on Echolink from a PC or Smartphone, follow the directions for that
app to access Node 999973. Echolink will be available from 7 AM till 11 PM,
barring internet outages at the W8LGX QTH.