HVARC competed in the ARRL Field Day Contest on June 22-23. Here are the preliminary
results: US States Worked: 41, US Territories: 1, Canadian Provinces: 4, DX Countries: 1 (Columbia) Contest sections worked: 56 out of 82 Contacts: Band CW Phone Total ---- ----- ----- ----- 40 29 22 51 20 0 35 35 15 16 23 39 ----- ----- ---- ----- Total 45 81 125 Points: ((45*2)+81) * 2 = 342 Bonus Points : 650 Total = 342+650 = 992 Operator Contacts: AF8E = 47, W8BEU=27, KE8WAM= 24, W8LGX=19, K8SWS=5, KD8YYM=2, W8TUZ=1, KD8LPW=1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVARC Meetings will also be held on Zoom. Here is how to join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9135247025?pwd=It8rj0tfkFCabuxpH5epdi6E1kIcAE.1 Meeting ID: 913 524 7025 Passcode: 657447 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kc4UPHZsr9 Full Members that are joining on Audio Only must announce their presence so that a Quorum can be counted. |