Net Protocol
Good Evening and welcome to the Hocking Valley Amateur Radio Club's Wednesday Night Net. The purpose of this Net is to give local operators practice in handling traffic for Hocking County and the surrounding counties, as well as a test of the repeater system and individual amateur stations.
This is an open net, and all amateur radio operators are invited to check in. The Net Control Station
for this night's Net is ___________________ and my name is ________________.
Here is information on the Club and the repeater system.
[Dial 311 touch tone. The "311" recording plays]. Then, “ We also have a remote base on 223.46 MHz which is linked in during this Net. If the repeater system is down, the Net will be held on 147.495 MHz Simplex”.
OR (if touch tones do not work) ….
This Net meets weekly at 9 PM local time on the repeater frequency of 147.345 MHz, positive offset, or on the Simplex frequency of 147.495 MHz if the repeater is down. The Net is also linked to the repeater frequency of 443.125 MHz, positive offset, and the simplex frequency of 223.46 MHz. The PL tone for all stations is 114.8 hertz.
Routine formal traffic will be held until the end of the Net. Is there any emergency traffic?
Hearing none, we will begin the informal session. Station checking in, please give your-
Call Sign, Name, QTH, IN- if you have comments or announcements, or OUT- if you have no comments.
Please check in at a rate that will allow Net Control to log your information.
Are there any Mobile or Portable stations checking in? Please call now.
[Handle mobile and portable checkins]
Are there any Echolink stations checking in? Please call now.
[Handle Echolink checkins. Note that there may be some delay when Echolink stations call in]
Are there any other stations checking in? Please call now,
{handle checkins]
Give Announcements, if any, from Net Control.
Is there any Formal traffic to be handled? Each station please state priority status and number of messages when checking in.
[Handle formal traffic. Hand off stations who have traffic to stations willing to receive traffic]
This concludes the Hocking Valley Amateur Radio Club's Wednesday Night Net. This Net meets every Wednesday at 9 PM local time on the repeater frequency of 147.345 MHz or on the Simplex frequency of 147.495 MHz.
This is Net Control Station __________________ ending the net at__________________ and returning
the frequency to normal use. 73 and Good Evening.
Notes -
The new repeater touch tone command '313' will play the 311 info track on all three repeaters/remote base. The existing '311' command wil play the info track on only the repeater that receives the Touch Tone command.
When passing formal traffic, especially if there are multiple stations involved, it may be advantageous to have the sending and receiving stations move to a simplex channel if they can hear each other that way, and pass traffic there.
Don't forget to throw out YOUR callsign every few minutes during the net.
Good Evening and welcome to the Hocking Valley Amateur Radio Club's Wednesday Night Net. The purpose of this Net is to give local operators practice in handling traffic for Hocking County and the surrounding counties, as well as a test of the repeater system and individual amateur stations.
This is an open net, and all amateur radio operators are invited to check in. The Net Control Station
for this night's Net is ___________________ and my name is ________________.
Here is information on the Club and the repeater system.
[Dial 311 touch tone. The "311" recording plays]. Then, “ We also have a remote base on 223.46 MHz which is linked in during this Net. If the repeater system is down, the Net will be held on 147.495 MHz Simplex”.
OR (if touch tones do not work) ….
This Net meets weekly at 9 PM local time on the repeater frequency of 147.345 MHz, positive offset, or on the Simplex frequency of 147.495 MHz if the repeater is down. The Net is also linked to the repeater frequency of 443.125 MHz, positive offset, and the simplex frequency of 223.46 MHz. The PL tone for all stations is 114.8 hertz.
Routine formal traffic will be held until the end of the Net. Is there any emergency traffic?
Hearing none, we will begin the informal session. Station checking in, please give your-
Call Sign, Name, QTH, IN- if you have comments or announcements, or OUT- if you have no comments.
Please check in at a rate that will allow Net Control to log your information.
Are there any Mobile or Portable stations checking in? Please call now.
[Handle mobile and portable checkins]
Are there any Echolink stations checking in? Please call now.
[Handle Echolink checkins. Note that there may be some delay when Echolink stations call in]
Are there any other stations checking in? Please call now,
{handle checkins]
Give Announcements, if any, from Net Control.
Is there any Formal traffic to be handled? Each station please state priority status and number of messages when checking in.
[Handle formal traffic. Hand off stations who have traffic to stations willing to receive traffic]
This concludes the Hocking Valley Amateur Radio Club's Wednesday Night Net. This Net meets every Wednesday at 9 PM local time on the repeater frequency of 147.345 MHz or on the Simplex frequency of 147.495 MHz.
This is Net Control Station __________________ ending the net at__________________ and returning
the frequency to normal use. 73 and Good Evening.
Notes -
The new repeater touch tone command '313' will play the 311 info track on all three repeaters/remote base. The existing '311' command wil play the info track on only the repeater that receives the Touch Tone command.
When passing formal traffic, especially if there are multiple stations involved, it may be advantageous to have the sending and receiving stations move to a simplex channel if they can hear each other that way, and pass traffic there.
Don't forget to throw out YOUR callsign every few minutes during the net.

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Message Insructions (pdf) |