Good evening and welcome to the Hocking Valley Amateur Radio Club's Wednesday Night Net.
The purpose of this net is to give local operators practice in handling emergency and priority traffic for Hocking and the surrounding counties, as well as a test of the repeater system and individual amateur stations.
This is an open net, and all amateur radio operators are invited to check in.
The Net Control Station for this night's Net is ______________________, and my name is _____________.
Are there any stations with EMERGENCY Traffic?
With the conclusion of the emergency traffic portion, we will now open the informal session of the net.
Stations checking into the net please give your -
- IN – if you have comments, announcements or discussion or,
- OUT – if you have no comments.
Please check in at a rate that will allow the Net Control Station to log your information.
- Are there any Portable or Mobile Stations checking in? Please call now. (handle Portable and Mobile station check-ins) Portable and mobile indicates the you are moving and away from your base station.
- Are there any Echolink Stations checking in? Please call now. (handle Echolink station check-ins)
- Are there any other stations checking in? Please call now. (handle station check-ins. Handle late portable and mobile check-ins first. Handle rechecks as they occur) If you are on a hand held stationary or in a parked car you are an "other station"
At the end, give announcements, if any, from Net Control Here
This Net meets weekly at 9 PM local time on the repeater frequency of 147.345 MHz, positive offset, or on the Simplex frequency of 147.495 MHz if the repeater is down. The Net is also linked to the repeater frequency of 443.125 MHz, positive offset, and the simplex frequency of 223.46 MHz. The PL tone for all stations is 114.8 hertz.
This is Net Control Station ____________ Ending the Net at __________ and returning the frequency to normal use.
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Message Insructions (pdf) |